Welcome to Dr Netra’s Homeopathy clinic

A Better Life Starts with a Holistic Lifestyle

Welcome to Homeopathy

Homeopathy- A Science based on Principle The Doctrine “Similia Similibus Curentur” which means “Like Cures Like”.

This Science was conceived in 1796 by the German Physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

Homeopathy stands out distinct as compared to other modes of treatment by its fundamental principles directed towards treating diseases at the root level, by addressing the multiple causative factors such as genetic, immunological, metabolic, hormonal, emotional and the like. As a result, the diseases are treated in totality rather than in parts or as entities separate from the ‘whole’ of the individual patient. In that sense, homeopathic science believes in the ‘holistic’ approach. 

Friendly Clinic Near You

Effective, Gives lasting relief, Free from side effects

Experienced Homeopath

Dr Netra have been practicing homeopathy for over 10 years; and are specialized in treating wide range of acute and chronic diseases.

Holistic Homeopathic Treatment

“A Gentle Art of Healing” – Homeopathy is a medical science which treats a person naturally.

Homeopathy eradicates diseases from its root and gives a long-lasting relief in most of Chronic illnesses.

Homeopathy treatment aims to enhance and stimulate body’s immune system and self regulatory mechanisms. Homeopathy not only focuses on the disease of the person but it also aims to improve person as a whole like his mind, body and soul. 

Homeopathy treatment is safe, has no side effects and can be used to all age groups to treat the diseases.

Homeopathy is for everyone ! Homeopathy is Holistic!

Dr. Netra Khorgade

Homeopath Consultant

Homeopathy for Today’s Lifestyle

Homeopathy classifies symptoms into different 4 categories like peculiar symptoms, mental and emotional symptoms, other physical symptoms, and particular symptoms in the body.
Joint Pain

Constitutional Homeopathy is aimed to cure and
eradicate the inflammation of the joints completely


Homeopathy mainly focuses on natural remedies which
are safe and free from side effects unlike conventional painkillers


Treatment is based on treating the cause of disease. For ex: if its is due to hormonal diseases like hypothyroidism then it will be concentrating on treating hypothyroidism

Hair Loss

Homeopathy Treatment for Hair Loss tries to rectify the fault at root cause level and strengthen the Hair follicle

Women's Health

Constitutional Homeopathy Treatment goes deeper and cures the disease of its root rather than suppress the symptoms. Homeopathy has a natural and holistic approach towards Women’s Health


Constitutional Homeopathy treatment for allergies not only controls the disease effectively but also provides long term relief by treating the roots of the problem and improves overall wellbeing.

Strengthen Immune System

Effective remedies are available in Homeopathy to strengthen the Immune system

Constipation & Gas

Homeopathy treatment is very effective in treating Constipation in patients of all ages. Homoeopathic medicines are widely used to cure constipation, as they are purely natural, they provide effective and safe treatment.

+91 8530255115

Happy Stories

Creating Vibrant Smiles for Healthy Lifestyles!
I had a good experience of Dr. Netra...She treated me for rheumatoid like symptoms occurred due to fever. She helped me in other health issues as well. She listens you very calmly and gives you the accurate advice. Now my mother as well as mother in law are getting treatment from her. They too are getting positive results. So i am very satisfied with the treatment. She is a great Doctor.
Aparna S
I visited Dr. Netra for constipation problem after the delivery of my baby . And just after having 2 doses I got relief. She listens to the patient very carefully.. Her medicine for acidity problem is also very effective.
Sugandha K
Overall It's a good experience for me. The doctor is very knowledgeable and listen to me regarding my health problems sincerely. I am suffering from IBS and insomnia and she is treating my health problems with care.
Kushal B
Had visited for my allergic problem. Listens to patients problem before suggesting treatment, most docs lack listening skills. Very good doctor.
Amit J
Good experience. Medicines given According to symptoms of disease.
Nahesh M

How to Contact Us


Regalia Apartment, Ground Floor, Shankar Kalat Nagar, Wakad, Pune, Maharashtra 411057


+91 8530255115

